Want to learn Spanish in the privacy, comfort and convenience of your own home or hotel? We will bring Spanish lessons to you! 1-1 tutoring will increase your Spanish skills tremendously, and you don't even have to travel. You will learn the exact same material that we teach students on campus.
We travel to Hacienda Iguana, Limon, and Salinas. If you are located elsewhere, just contact us for a quote.
Off-campus Options
Spanish Intensive: This is a great way to learn Spanish quickly. You can choose between 15 or 20 hours per week, in the morning or the afternoon. You can study 1-1 with a teacher or in a small group.
By the Hour: If 3 or 4 hours of Spanish classes a day is not for you, then we also offer classes by the hour. Classes are also available 1-1 or for small groups.
Transportation: In addition, we collect a small fee to cover our travel costs. Hacienda Iguana ($5), Limon ($7), and Salinas ($8). If you are located elsewhere, just contact us for a quote.
NOTE: All prices are in U.S. Dollars (taxes included). A registration fee of $15 is required for all students.
Special Offer: Enroll for 5 weeks or more in Spanish Intensive and get a 5% discount.
PAYMENT METHOD: We prefer CASH Dollars or Córdobas. Also we accept VENMO and PAYPAL with charge of the 6%.